Lista utworów:
01. Damn Right, I've Got the Blues [4:31]
02. Where Is the Next One ComingFrom [4:37]
03. Five Long Years [8:25]
04. Mustang Sally [4:43]
05. There Is Something on Your Mind [4:46]
06. Early in the Morning [3:11]
07. Too Broke to Spend the Night [5:02]
08. Black Night [7:46]
09. Let Me Love You Baby [3:58]
10. Rememberin' Stevie [6:58]
11. Doin' What I Like Best [6:04]
12. Trouble Don't Last [5:23]
Kiedy premiera płyty Buddy Guy - Damn Right, I've Got the Blues/Sweet Tea? Kiedy wychodzi Buddy Guy - Damn Right, I've Got the Blues/Sweet Tea? Data wydania płyty zaplanowana została na 30.08.2011.
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