Lista utworów:
01. Interlude 1: My Name is Curtis Dubois Fuller
02. Little Dreams
03. The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face
04. I Asked & She Said Yes
05. The Right To Love
06. My Lady's Tears
07. Interlude 2: My Children
08. Sweetness
09. Look What I Got
10. Interlude 3: Cancer
11. A Horrible Experience
12. Life Was Good
13. What Went Wrong
14. Love Was Everything When Love Was You and Me
15. Too Late Now
16. Spring Will Be a Little LateThis Year
17. Interlude 4: My Wish For Cathy and My Friends
Kiedy premiera płyty Curtis Fuller - The Story Of Cathy & Me? Kiedy wychodzi Curtis Fuller - The Story Of Cathy & Me? Data wydania płyty zaplanowana została na 12.07.2011.
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