Lista utworów:
01. Say What You Mean, Mean WhatYou Say [5:14]
02. Yin & Yang [9:04]
03. In the Grill [3:55]
04. Out of Sight, Out of Mind, Pt. 1 [4:57]
05. Cosmos [For Carl Sagan] [6:52]
06. Simple Things [5:55]
07. An Ambiguous State of Mind [7:24]
08. The Element of Truth [7:12]
09. Out of Sight, Out of Mind, Pt. 2 [2:09]
10. Spitting Them Out [4:12]
Kiedy premiera płyty Empirical - Elements of Truth? Kiedy wychodzi Empirical - Elements of Truth? Data wydania płyty zaplanowana została na 10.01.2012.
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