Lista utworów:
01. After All the Good is Gone
02. Somewhere
03. Selfish
04. She's Only a Baby Herself
05. Chasing Rainbows
06. I Can't Believe She Gives ItAll To Me
07. The Image of Me
08. Stay With Me and Stay In Love
09. One Fine Day
10. It's Been So Long
11. Spanish Harlem
12. It's Got To Be Something
13. It Only Rains On Me
14. Night People
15. Memories
16. Put It Off till Tomorrow
17. Baby, Baby I Love You
18. Don't Let the Green Grass Fool You
19. Give Me a Chance
20. I Don't Wanna Cry
Kiedy premiera płyty Johnny Adams - Soul of New Orleans, LA? Kiedy wychodzi Johnny Adams - Soul of New Orleans, LA? Data wydania płyty zaplanowana została na 26.07.2011.
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