1. Amame jávkat (So We Don’t Fade) (05:03)
2. Alit alihastá aliha (Blue Shines the Blue) (03:52)
3. Don oidnet mu sielu (You Saw My Soul) (04:38)
4. Elle (04:40)
5. Čiŋadan gahpiriin (My Head Holds High the Horned Hat) (03:37)
6. Eadnán bákti (To Woman) (04:58)
7. If Tomorrow’s Mine (05:23)
8. Mihá (I Stand Tall) (05:23)
9. Jearrat biekkas (To Ask the Wind) (06:06)
10. Leat go don dies (Will You Be There) (03:50)
11. Mu oappá niegus (In My Sister’s Dream) (08:35)